Find Your Glow Caribbean Waters Diffuser


“We look out to where bright turquoise meets an azure sky. And sip iced coconut from the husky shells, as distant steel drums ring.”

Memory: Beach retreat, St Lucia

Think citrus cocktail of lime, bergamot and lemon meets creamy tropical coconut with base notes of amber, musk and patchouli. Use this to indulge in Caribbean beach vibes and prepare to feel yourself unwind.


To maximise your FYG experience, uncork the apothecary bottle then insert the reeds provided, making sure to twist them so they cross at the bottom. This should create an inverted cone shape.

Once infused with scented oil, the reeds will begin to disperse the fragrance, filling the room to create your desired ambience.

The wider you spread the twisted reeds in the bottle, the greater the intensity of fragrance. If the fragrance proves too strong, simply reduce the number of reeds to find your perfect balance.

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